Lux Absio Bervatum

Monday, March 10, 2025

FDR Update (s17e10), Mickey 17, HT2024 palettes

New Fantasy Drag Race update (now current through episode 10). Good thing this has been a bit of a test run—realized I'd completely forgotten a major part of the scoring (the points players get for members of their Top-4 remaining in the competition).

Saw Mickey 17 yesterday. Really enjoyed it. My Letterboxd review for anyone interested.

Been working on palette stuff for the next version of the Hex Translator. Finalized the 56-color "basic hues" palette a while back but never shared it here. This forms the backbone from which all the colors used in the patterns are derived. The basic hues each have 2-4 light variants and 0-4 dark variants based on formulas for minimum and maximum pigmentation (C+M+(Y/3)+(K*1.12) > 20 minimum, C+M+(Y/2)+(K*1.5) < 180 maximum). In the spreadsheet excerpt below you can see the effects of those formulas as red zeroes where a light or dark variant passed out of range for having too little or too much pigment. It's also why, for example, indigo (im500) in the BasicHues chart (right) only has light variants.